Friday, August 9, 2019 – Will your Family Prosper?

How do we insure that your children prosper forever ?

It is only human nature to want your children to succeed and not only succeed but to prosper in life. Our first reading discribes the miracles that God has done for His people. The end of the reading from Deuteronomy says, “You must keep his statutes and commandments which I enjoin on you today, that you and your children after you may prosper, and that you may have long life on the land which the Lord, your God, is giving you forever.”

John Calvin, the French Theologian, had the doctrine of predestination which said in effect that there were only certain souls going to heaven and a sign of this predestination was the money and wealth you have accumulated over your life. This of course is not true. I do not think that John Calvin had met anyone like Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

I do not think the reading from Deuteronomy was talking about money or wealth. It was talking first about following the commandments but the result was not wealth and the land was not possessions. It seems that these things were a metaphor for heaven and their souls.

Remember Sunday’s gospel about the rich man with the bountiful harvest? I think that the theme is continued today but spread to the how our souls prosper and how we give spiritual wealth to our children.

This weekend is chaos in our household. Two of my pre-teen grandchildren are visiting. I look at them and hope the direction my wife, Anna, and I have given them over the years will take hold. Their parents may not have made the best choices but there is hope for them also. These are good kids and all any parent can do is pray for them and teach them the commandments and how prosper.

Baseball and Football do not have the same rules. Rules are something we cannot make up as we go and we all have the same rules of life. To really prosper we have to follow the rules.

Going back to the readings, my prayer is that all our children will prosper.

God Bless

Bob Burford

Note Feast of Saint Maximilian Kolbe is August 14th and the Assumption on the 15th. We have a busy week ahead.

About the Author

My name is Bob Burford and am married to my lovely bride, Anna. I am a cradle Catholic and worship at Church of Saint Mary's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am active in the Knights of Columbus and praying where the Lord wants both of us to serve in our new faith home. College degrees in Economics and Accounting. My wife and I have eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren with a sixth to arrive this Fall. Love Pope Frances and proclaiming the Word of the Lord in my life! Please pray for all the Ukrainian people. Pray for their salvation and physical and emotional health.

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  1. God bless you and your family, Bob. This reflection brought up so many thoughts and feelings. Yes, looking at our children, grandchildren, or any young people, and praying all goes well for them in life is a heart ache. God has given us the ground rules, and then “ruined” it all with free will! But He loves us and them, infinitely more than any human can, so we entrust them to His love. Thank you for today, Bob, and for all your reflections. God bless.

  2. Tks Bob. Following God’s commandments and His statutes and loving Him will make our children prosper.
    Lord let your grace be their help

  3. We pray as well for the prosperity of your grandchildren and the grace of God will be with them. Thank you Bob for carrying the cross.

  4. Dear Bob,
    Your message about praying for your grandchildren and children really
    Hit home with me. The example we tried to set for our kids seems to have gone by the wayside. Now everything is centered on sports or other distractions. I pray that whatever time and influence I have left with them be one that attracts them to Christ. I pray that I myself remember that Christ is my destination.

  5. Thank you Bob for your wonderful reflection of today’s readings. There a lot more that I can say but that needs to be a one on one conversation like with my priest. I would like to thank you and all the others that do what you do out of the goodness and love from your heart.

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