Thursday 3rd November 2022

In just the same way, I tell you,
there will be rejoicing among the angels of God
over one sinner who repents.

As a self proclaimed neurotic, I need to have a system for everything! While it may seem chaotic but to me it makes sense, I have books labelled and marked! Cabinets in my cupboard with allotments for clothes , shoes and accessories in order! and worse I need to organize my day and month at least! So imagine my horror when a friend said she never used a planner or watch my mom scribble to do lists on old scraps paper! I absolutely love to schedule my day to day system although my procrastination may ruin it from near perfection I am an excellent planner! and if something goes haywire at the execution, I always drop everything to ensure it is all done and then move ahead – maybe something as tiny as a coin or a sheep! yeah like todays readings!!

I always never understood the story and assumed the sheep and coin were more valuable when I was a kid! Over the years I do realise finding something or someone lost gives anyone a joy that cannot be defines – may it be a song of my yesteryears or a friend I lost touch with.. Imagine the joy Jesus feels !!!

As I type this, I witnessed a miracle while my fathers reports have all remained stable making the doctors change plans for a re operation! I cant believe how convinced as a medical professional I was that it would be needed!!! I watched my dad kneel and pray the morning before with complete faith and then sign himself with holy water! It made me so nervous if the results would have been different — oh me of poor faith and loads of science!

I was shocked ! I looked at the report rechecked it thrice and soon spoke to doctor who smiled and said – see you in a while!! All I want to do is praise the God my father prayed to– and so we headed to church this evening as I cannot end the 365 days of my fathers diagnosis with such good relief !!!! As a doctor we often give up on situations in our hearts, we work hard but sometimes science says there is no coming back and then you witness the miracle of life and wonder !! We know nothing!! For the immense positivity and faith my father has , I wish a least 1% of it- this is the faith that leads Jesus to rejoice when sinners like me run back to Him!!!

I thank all the countless prayers we received on my papa’s behalf and the zillion saints and souls who called in the favors!! My parents dont evangalise or raise their arms and shout praises in church – they live the most unassuming humble life and dont make extra visits to church then needed but the stick with daily rosary and personal prayer! My parents ensured they always were good humans and kind and generous with what they had , visited the needy and nuns and priests and funded some of their education ( I was unaware) I am grateful and tearful as I type this ! I learnt than I have in the past year – learning from their strength and faith is not by the pray and tell but just being that lost sheep bleating prayers till you are found!

Maybe I could learn this and incorporate that faith in the higher power more than the education I have and realise , I am not the 99! I am the lost one!!!! awaiting my saviour…


Thank you Jesus, Father and Mother Mary and all the saints and souls! Thank you for transferring my tears and prayers into something I hoped for! And help my prayers be heard so I can be found

— the Lost One


About the Author

Hello! I’m Dr Analise Maria D’ Mello, (MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB) from the beautiful state of Goa in India. I was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family, learning my prayers, catechism and Catholic values from my parents and grandmothers. I am currently practicing as an obstetrician and gynecologist for 3 years since my residency. I often speak on anti-abortion to college students and married couples, and counsel distressed pregnant women with appropriate medical advice. I am part of the St Luke's Medical Guild of Catholic Doctors in my state providing services in prisons, and Lenten and advent retreats for medical professionals and their families.

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  1. So impressed by your father’s humility and constant faith. There is much power in kneeling and the rosary! Very happy fou you, your Father and your family.

  2. Wonderful news Dr. Analise. As a HCP myself, it makes it a challenge when family and loved ones are patients. Embrace the joy!

  3. Analise, I will join you in praising God for your papa’s healing! I also absolutely loved “just being that lost sheep bleating prayers till you are found!”. How I need to do so. Thank you

  4. I’m glad you shared your family’s miracle Analise! It helps me to see His timing is always perfect and He has not forgotten us in our misery. I love the Gospel reading today as well. It helps me to see it is okay to be a little lost sheep, waiting for Jesus to scoop me up in His arms. God bless your father for his faithfulness!

  5. I am inspired by your courage and perseverance to just finish the race. God bless your parents who demonstrated a faith with no bounds. Thank you and bless you for pouring your heart out to demonstrate your struggles and doubts. You are truly a child of God.

  6. Bob, thank you for your wonderful reflection. IMHO, you are a very good writer. Please don’t stop hammering away on that key board.

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