Thursday 28th September 2023

Who then is this about whom I hear such things?”
And he kept trying to see him.

As a christian, I get to hear things about this Man on a daily basis or atleast every sunday through scripture but like Herod, I make no extra effort to try to see Him.

I attend Sunday mass merely as an obligation on certain days and some I dont cause I am exhausted or am at work! My attendance is now days more for the purpose of finding that one hour of time to think I am spending with the Lord , where all I can remember is the patients at work and stuff I forgot or have to do!

Living alone in residency is hard ! I have to look after myself enough so I can make it on time to work and look after my patients and give them the best care! I also have to study and prepare presentations and sit through tests and questions at every rounds!

So despite having an app which reminds me to pray, I often swipe the notification and continue with my day! I know Herod was not a good man but I should commend his efforts to visit this man he hears things about!

Let us as christians not let that curiosity and passion for learning and participating in the eucharist die off ! Lets us focus a tiny bit of our time on “finding HIm”

The coming month is dedicated to our MOther , I hope to imbibe this quality of unceasing prayer and implent it one decade of the rosary at a time!

DO join me in finding the one we read and discuss about — our Lord!


About the Author

Hello! I’m Dr Analise Maria D’ Mello, (MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB) from the beautiful state of Goa in India. I was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family, learning my prayers, catechism and Catholic values from my parents and grandmothers. I am currently practicing as an obstetrician and gynecologist for 3 years since my residency. I often speak on anti-abortion to college students and married couples, and counsel distressed pregnant women with appropriate medical advice. I am part of the St Luke's Medical Guild of Catholic Doctors in my state providing services in prisons, and Lenten and advent retreats for medical professionals and their families.

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  1. Analise, You have a way of candidly sharing your challenges, which a lot of us can relate to. I also find myself thinking about so many tasks I have waiting. Thank you for your inspiration. Yes, I will join you!

  2. Thank you Analise for your honesty and real life description. There is much to do, much to see, and the pressure of work and society has us in a spin. Wishing you the peace of Christ’s presence and mercy as you go about your day…always try to see Him as he waits with patient love. Peace with you my sister.

  3. Thank you Analyse. Your words hit the spot in my heart today. I many times lose my focus in prayer. That’s why morning offerings of prayers, works, sufferings and joys are so important; these are there things you’re thinking about and offering them to the Lord as a prayer.

  4. Thank you Dr. Analise. I always beat myself up for being distracted and anxious about my tasks,and not living up to whatever “it” is. I’m sorry you are struggling with tasks of the day but it helps to know I’m not alone.

  5. Halfway around the world, yet I feel your presence when I read your reflections, as if you’re sitting right here. You are so honest. It helps me to look inward to myself. I pray for you always. Be good to yourself.

  6. Thank you for such an honest reflection and sharing your struggles. I know I struggle to keep Jesus as my focus at mass as my mind keeps thinking about the things to do, the things I’ve done and all the worries I have. But, remember Analise, your vocation is an extension of the Lord’s work. Offer up your work to him each day and throughout the day. He knows where your heart is.

  7. Annalise, I know you get concerned about not giving enough time to the Lord because of all your duties in caring for others and your education. I believe God knows your heart and that He is in your thoughts while you do your work AND His work. You are like a parent who cares for her children while also finding a little dedicated time for God. Just know that all you do, at work or at prayer, is for Him.

  8. Dear Analise,you are doing the best you can with the time that you have.The demands on you are immense at the moment.God understands that and accepts your hurried and distracted prayers.
    Continue to offer your thoughts and actions to Him throughout your busy day.Peace be with you.🙏🏻

  9. Hi Analise
    I am a nurse I run a busy clinic for babies. The bilirubin clinic. I often find that I am also distracted during my pray time thinking about things that happened at work. Thanks for sharing your struggles in your pray life. God bless you and strengthen you.

  10. Hi Analise
    I am a nurse I run a busy clinic for babies. The bilirubin clinic. I often find that I am also distracted during my prayer time thinking about things that happened at work. Thanks for sharing your struggles in your prayer
    life. God bless you and strengthen you.

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