Thursday, 5th January 2023

But Nathanael said to him,
“Can anything good come from Nazareth?”
Philip said to him, “Come and see.”
Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him,
“Here is a true child of Israel.
There is no duplicity in him.”

As a minority and from the smallest state in my country, I have travelled around my country and few parts of the world! My identity is from my skin tone and my accent , followed by my name! Almost everyone I met ask me this – are you a christian? its a little funny but I smile and say catholic! To be extremely honest I am not absolutely sure what are the differences but as long as I am not asked more than I am content.

My religion has been an integral part of my identity for a long time – from being a convent educated student who knew all the prayers by default thanks to every morning prayer assembly and participating in all competitions for hymn/ christmas carol singing , Bible quiz or even skits. I moved out to a secular medical college however, there was Sunday mass available in premises for the staff and patients which never felt I missed much! The operation theatre staff and the nurses would have regular annual thanksgiving mass and I always have been attending them.

Joining obgyn was my hardest challenge, when I refused to assist or attend MTP ( medical termination of pregnancies) or convinced patients to change their decisions about them I felt a sense of accomplishment, however as I moved outside my comfort zone of a state with a sizeable number of catholics – reality set in!

It was a daily internal struggle to fight against the urge to run away from such places where they never gave life a chance, where the job was a job not a dedication! Unethical practises and constant stress about what do I say next as I know my patient would go to a quack and get some wrong medicines and end up worse! I resorted to advocating for contraception – chose between the devil and the deep sea ( I do not even swim). I remember breaking down to the priest in confession and I just was so shaken up!

Some days work was frustrating when people would want treatments for bearing children and could go to any extent! I even attended a 2 week course in IVF and artificial reproduction and watched first hand how artifically babies are made! As a science buff, it is fascinating to watch that we all are from a tiny sperm and egg meeting grow to have lofty aspirations and sinful hearts! That is when I knew I could never do it nor convince someone to do it!

While I prayed and was confused for a long while as to what my calling was and why I was not able to find happiness at work – my fathers cancer woke me up! From seeing how families and lives are destroyed by the disease and how less we areas healthcare workers to fight for it! So I studied and attempted a country wide exam and aced it , I am now eligible to start my super speciality training in gynecological oncology – cancer of female reproductive organs!

It is a relatively new field in my country and have very few colleges around for the training, I know this is what I am meant to do! Lot of my professors and mentors I looked up to told me it is not worth it and even discouraged me about the exam. But they told Jesus the same ( not that I am comparing myself ) While I await my seat and college allotment, I will have to move across country for another 3 to 4 years of training and studying to get skilled and certified! I know its going to a huge change leaving family and home state comfort but we all need to travel outside and spread the word!

This week, I only pray that my Christian identity helps me get through the next phase and appreciate the blessings I have. So should you!


Bless and guide me oh God with your Love that I may shine your light through my work and deeds, everyday!


ps. happy new year 2023 !

About the Author

Hello! I’m Dr Analise Maria D’ Mello, (MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB) from the beautiful state of Goa in India. I was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family, learning my prayers, catechism and Catholic values from my parents and grandmothers. I am currently practicing as an obstetrician and gynecologist for 3 years since my residency. I often speak on anti-abortion to college students and married couples, and counsel distressed pregnant women with appropriate medical advice. I am part of the St Luke's Medical Guild of Catholic Doctors in my state providing services in prisons, and Lenten and advent retreats for medical professionals and their families.

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  1. I really enjoyed your reflection. It runs similar to something I am experiencing in my life. As we grow, we become more familiar with who we are and our core values. Those affect the choices we make and the direction we take in life as we move forward. When we no longer fit in one place due to our evolution, inner discernment is needed as to where our gifts can be used to bring life and healing. It doesn’t mean we are not affected by what was, but we can add that what will be and even more. In my case, I have to get over the sting of no longer fitting in and leaving what was once a good safe place. Then, discern the path I will go. Much appreciated devotion!

  2. God bless you, Analise! He will see you and your family through because you allow his guidance.

  3. Hi Annalise,
    I am so proud of you for pursuing a career that promotes life and healing,
    For taking the road less taken and standing firm in what you believe in!
    May God guide you with His love, grace and mercy as you do His will.
    Happy New Year and God bless you and your family.

  4. Thank you Dr. A. May God bless you in all your endeavors. He is faithful to the end, let us put our trust in Him. Happy and blessed 2023.

  5. Congratulations, Analise, on your success in gaining entry into a new and very significant part of your journey as a medical doctor.
    The Holy Spirit will guide you as you enter a new world that may not be as open to the message of your strong Catholic faith as it is for you in Goa.
    In your new location, you will also be without the close connection and support of your family and friends. But think of yourself as a committed disciple of Jesus at the time he began his mission of love and redemption in Galilee. And know that he will always be close to you as you study and work in an environment that may at times challenge your Catholic principles.
    Nevertheless, I pray that with his help your Catholic presence will in small ways touch all those you meet.
    Wishing you God’s blessings in abundance. Frank (Brisbane, Australia)

  6. I am sure you will carry your faith in a good God, compassion and respect for life to your new work in Oncology.

  7. Analise, I am so happy for you! As I have followed your story for these past years and felt your unhappiness and discomfort, you have been in my prayers. God is calling you to a new vocation, and yes, there will be challenges along the way, but continue to trust that He is with you every step of the way!

  8. Great news Dr. Analise. I will continue my prayers for you. I hope this new career path will not be as stressful. Peace and success be upon you.

  9. Annalise,
    I am so awed by the strength God has given you. He has definitely placed challenges in your midst but it is evident that it all has been for a reason. Keep this in mind (as we all need to do) as you make your journey through there upcoming years. You are such a blessing for following God’s lead. Blessed and happy new year! I will be keeping you in my prayers.

  10. I’m happy you have new clarity and that you were able to discern where God was leading you Analise. I was trained as an oncology nurse and worked in the field for about 7 years. It was a blessing to me and I learned so much about true compassion and love. God leads us to different careers and places in our lives and He always has a reason for the change. It takes great courage and strength to follow that path no matter what push back you may get from others. May God bless you on your journey sister.

  11. Dear Analise, we were with you though your journey and the struggles you endured.
    You are very relatable to many of us readers here @ ACM.
    I also understand that this next stage in you life could keep you so busy that it might take you away from your weekly reflections.
    In any case, we are here for you if need be – as we have kept you in thought and prayer during your struggles since you started writing here.
    Oh and Doc, you should really learn to swim!
    God bless ✌

  12. Congratulations Analise,on passing your exams and having the opportunity to develop your career in a meaningful and fulfilling manner in the field of Oncology.
    As others have said previously,we have been with you in prayer for the past few years and will continue to keep you in our prayers as you embark on this next chapter.
    May God guide you,bless you and keep you in his loving care.
    A Happy and Blessed New Year to you!

  13. Dear dr Analise . I’m so excited for you . What a wonderful career choice. As are lord and St. John has been teaching us in this past few weeks readings and thru st mother Teresa do all things with love . Thru the love of your father your eyes were open to a great need in your field and country . God bless you in all your trials and endeavors.

  14. Your reflections have meant so much to me. Your honesty and openness about your spiritual journey with Jesus has helped me in my journey. The sharing of your everyday trials and challenges, both personal and professional, has shown me ways to deal with mine. What an amazing doctor you are, and I’m so happy that you’ve discerned God’s will to study gynecological oncology.  As a survivor of uterine cancer I can say that your future patients will be so very grateful for your expertise as well as the compassion I know you will show. Along with so many other readers of ACM I will be praying for you. 
    May god bless you and your family.

  15. Congratulations Analise! What a rewarding field and it sounds like a truly perfect fit for you. May God bless you in all of your future plans!

  16. May St. Gianna Beretta Molla protect you and guide you in your new field. Wishing you all the best, now and always.

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