Sunday, July 29, 2018 – God Will Provide

I’m notorious in our household for often uttering these three little words –God will provide.Notorious I say because it is often not the answer some in my family want to hear at the time. Believing this takes trust, and perhaps one of the hardest virtues – patience. Just ask my wife – she’ll roll her eyes and tell you. Financial problems? Job issues? Problem with other kids? Just problems in general? God will provide a solution.

It’s a firm belief I have. It’s firm because I’ve seen it happen, in unexplainable, yet perfect ways in my life, over and over. And every time, it’s happened when I’ve pretty much been at my limit, not knowing what the answer is, not knowing if there even is an answer. It’s in these times where the only solution I had was to turn to God in trust and prayer, full of hope that He would provide a solution, whatever that may be.

Every single time, He has provided a solution. It may not have been a quick fix, it may have taken hard work, and it may not have been the solution I had in my mind, but in the end, He has provided solutions that I either did not conceive or perhaps just disregarded as not right or realistic. And He has always provided more than I even envisioned.

He provided what was needed, with some scraps to spare. It takes a devoted trust and a realization that we cannot do it on our own, that Jesus is there, every step of the way, and will provide.

I’ve experienced this in physical, tangible ways in my life, and I’ve experienced it spiritually in my soul. The latter is the most important, because at times in our lives, the pains and trials won’t be relieved in the physical sense. And we will also continue to try and separate ourselves from Him through sin and simply being human.

Our time on this earth will end at some point. But through Jesus – God has provided an everlasting, undying gift that will feed and nurture and save our souls in ways that we never could on our own. And He will provide the means with which we can live eternally, forever with Him, in spite of our brokenness and problems that we bring upon ourselves, or that simply afflict us with no rhyme or reason, and that we cannot resolve on our own.

God has provided in the past. God will provide in the future.  He provides now.

I’ve got to constantly remind myself of this. The reason I repeat this so much in our household is not only to calm and encourage my family, but perhaps more so to simply remind myself. I know it’s true. I’ve seen it and experienced it. But like our Jewish brethren from ages past, who saw amazing things only to have to be reminded by God over and over, I am often the same way. God is constantly reminding me that He will provide. As I am sure He does with all of you.

Sometimes we just get in our own way. Often life gets in the way and blinds us. And when we do, when we can’t see the answer, when we think there is no solution – simply trust, and I mean really hope and trust in the fact that God provides.

And it is in this one fact that I find calm and solace in, that brings me peace. God has and does and always will provide.

About the Author

My name is Joe LaCombe, and I am a Software Developer in Fishers, Indiana in the USA. My wife Kristy and I have been married for 19 years and we have an awesome boy, Joseph, who is in 5th Grade! We are members of St. Elizabeth Seton Parish in Carmel, Indiana where we volunteer with various adult faith ministries. I love writing, and spending time with my family out in the nature that God created, and contemplating His wonders. I find a special connection with God in the silence and little things of everyday life, and I love sharing those experiences with all of you.

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  1. Thank you for this lovely reflection. I like to place my trust in God and find inner peace by doing so.

  2. I have finally handed my life to God. And what peace I find when I trust him to help. I am seeing things daily happening daily. With prayer and faith in the Holy Trinity. God Bless you Joe for you’re inspiration.

  3. Very true, Joe! The more i pray and seek Him, the more He answers me. At times, it’s instant, it’s unbelievable, it’s super generous! His faithfulness is right before our eyes; we just have to entrust our cares, our worries, our needs to Him! Thank you once again for your inspiring reflection. God bless!

  4. Your points of trust and patience are the keys to everything. God will find the solutions…in our instant world we want it all now. In good time with those virtues he always comes through. Thanks Joe for all your wonderful reflections.

  5. I am a firm believer in “God will provide”! I ha like you have seen it happen to me over and over again in my lifetime. I think the key point and this is what I say to those when the subject comes up is you have to “Believe”! God Is Good All The Time!

  6. Thank you so much. We all know that God always provides in different ways. The one thing we need to do is to depend completely on Him to be able to appreciate how He provides. I needed to hear this as my husband is going through cancer issues and I have been telling myself that God will provide and be with me through this.
    God bless you for this timely reflection.

  7. Your words today sounded like a love letter to your son! So warm and comforting as well as awesome and wise. Thank you for such loving encouragement!

  8. So lovely to read the truth this morning! You have beautifully and clearly written what is exactly in my heart! Truly, we Christians are linked together through our beliefs and the Holy Spirit to live our lives in love, trust and patience. God always gives us what we need and surely more than we deserve.

  9. Simply as it sounds I never heard the words “a solution” after “the Lord will provide.” It makes the statement so much more clear.

  10. Joe, thank you for this post! I’ve read it several times in the past month to remind me of what it says. I’m going through an employment change, one that I believe in my heart will be good for me and my family because it will be an opportunity for growth and change, after being employed in the same place for almost 24 years! But, it will mean less income for supporting our family and that’s scary! In my heart, I keep reminding myself that God will provide. I do trust and believe that. I believe He’s giving me a gift in this opportunity and I don’t want to disappoint Him by not pursuing it…I need to continue trusting and believing in Him.

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