Saturday May 21, 2022: Remember that the world hated Me first.

Today’s Readings

It has been a crazy couple weeks, hasn’t it? I am speaking of the time since the leak of the probable overturning of Roe v Wade and its “sister” case, Casey v Planned Parenthood. If these decisions are in fact overturned, as the leak seems to indicate, abortion in the US will NOT be gone. What the verdict WILL mean is that the decision as to whether abortion will be legal or not, or restricted in some manner, will be thrown back to the states to be voted on by representatives elected by their constituencies. That is the fact of the anticipated Supreme Court ruling. It is also a fact that the majority of scientists state that life begins at conception. The heart of a baby begins beating as early as 6 weeks of gestation and is audible around 10 weeks. These are also facts. A baby in the womb will ALWAYS become a human being. Never another species. Fact. A baby in the womb will ALWAYS have unique DNA that is unlike any other DNA before or afterwards. But the child in the womb cannot survive on its own, is another argument. But neither can the newly born infant survive on its own without parental care. Nor can a senior in the later stages of Alzheimer’s Disease. We all need the care and support of others throughout our lives. But it doesn’t really LOOK like a child when in the womb. But an infant doesn’t look like a toddler, doesn’t look like a teenager, doesn’t look like an adult. The in utero person looks exactly like they are SUPPOSED to look like at that stage of human development.

So, the logical conclusion to these undeniable facts is that what exists in the uterus of a woman is a person and the termination of a pregnancy results in the death of that person. What IS debatable is the value a people places on this life. In the pro-abortion movement it is clear that the argument centers on the belief that the life of the woman supersedes the life of the unborn. The pre-born child is believed to have a lower value than the woman carrying that child. This belief, that there is a relative value between the woman and the child, is the only conclusion that can be drawn when considering the facts stated above. And we know from history what happens when one class of life is valued above another class. Slavery and the Holocaust come to mind as the value of black lives and Jewish lives were deemed to be beneath the value of others.

And what about rape and incest? Should one violent act be followed by another violent act? Did the child of that despicable act choose how they would be conceived? Make no mistake, the one committing such a heinous act deserves punishment to the full extent of the law. But killing the child does nothing to accomplish the goal of punishment of the perpetrator. The only one paying a price is the child who is aborted.

So why this diatribe on abortion today? How many of you have voiced these arguments against abortion to friends, family or thru the magic of the internet? I hope all Catholics are prepared to, and have, made the case against abortion openly and without apology. But we all know what the backlash is for taking these positions. I have been called vile names by opposition protestors while praying at abortion clinics. I have been called a privileged white male for taking the stance outlined above. I have been deemed to be a woman hater. And many other names that are not accurate. In short, hate has been thrown my way. And, of course, I am not alone in this. Politicians, the media and personalities in film and TV have railed against those who support the unborn making the claim that we are out to destroy women and take away reproductive rights. Hate has won a place in the hearts of many.

And what did Jesus tell us today in the Gospel? The world will hate us because it first hated Him. And why did the world hate Christ? Because He said things that the world did not like to hear. On what true love is. About mercy. About the evils of sin. About loving your enemies. About putting God’s laws above man’s laws. And when the Apostles began spreading the same message after Jesus’ ascension, they were treated the same way. All being martyred, except for John. But before their deaths they spread Jesus’ message to much of the world, planting a seed that would flourish in its time. Because the antidote for hate is love. And the treatment for evil is forgiveness. And the consequences of love and mercy is joy.

And why do we care? Beyond the fact that a life is lost with every abortion, we care because we should recognize that we are all one body with the head being Christ. And what happens to one part of the body affects every part of the body. When a child dies, or when a woman grieves after she realizes what she has lost, we all suffer. And we all should feel the joy when another experiences joy.

We are many parts, but we are all one body. And the gifts we have, we are given to share. May the spirit of love, make us one indeed. One the love that we share. One our hope in despair. One the cross that we bear…for each other. (Marty Haugen)

About the Author

Hello! My name is John Ciribassi. I live in Carol Stream, IL in the USA. My wife Elise and I are parishioners at Corpus Christi Catholic Church. We have two adult daughters. One lives in Senegal, West Africa with her husband and her 3 sons. The other teaches Anthropology at the University of Oslo, Norway. We also have a home in Mainesburg, Pa in the North Central part of Pennsylvania. My wife and I are both retired veterinarians, and my specialty is in animal behavior. I attended college and veterinary school in Illinois, where I met my wife who is from the Chicago area, and the rest is history! My hobbies include Racquetball, Pickleball, Off Road Motorcycle Riding, Hiking and Camping. I continue to enjoy the opportunity to offer what little insight I have on the scriptures. But I have always felt that the scriptures can speak for themselves. My job is just to shine a little light on them for people who maybe don't have the time to look into the readings deeply. I hope you enjoy and find value in my writings. I continue to be grateful for this opportunity.

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  1. Excellent reflection John. May God give all those who support life in the womb the wisdom to respond in love and pray for a change of heart of those who support the taking of innocent life.

  2. Good Reflection. We pray for change of heart for our brethren who disrespect the dignity of human life. Amen.

  3. Thank you John. What a clear, cogent and convincing sharing on this controversial topic to help us become clearer on this issue.

  4. Thank you, John, for putting the facts so succinctly. I pray all mothers faced with this decision will see clearly, and be helped to find a way to save their baby.

  5. Thank you John for your reflections and teaching on love and life! May you be blessed as my fellow Human Being! May we all be brave enough to stand for Christ in the midst of hate….we are in this world but not of this world!

  6. Incredible stuff John. Factual and direct. These points are crystal clear but hate stands in the way. We pray for better days ahead and that love will find a way. Peace to you my brother.

  7. Great reflection, John! The truth is always beautiful and I’m encouraged to read this while I have my coffee this morning. The state of our homeland is in bad shape but as long as there are Christians who defend the truth, it gives me hope for our country.

  8. Time for us Christians to focus on the new born and children and be sure they are properly cared for. Even if the government has to pay for it!

  9. Thank you John.A powerful and life affirming reflection.Prayers for the unborn,for expectant mothers and those considering abortion.
    Peace be with you.

  10. Thank you John for your courage to speak the truth. We pray that we also find the courage and grace to defend our faith and speak the truth…all with sincerity, love and kindness. Blessings to all.

  11. I hope I won’t be dissented upon with my view. Your reflection is powerful and caused me to reflect deeply. I think aborting a fetus is a difficult decision to make. For some women, it is a convenience. To me, this is wrong. For others, as in rape or incest, this is so hard.

    You mention that it comes down to value of a human life over another. I don’t think it is as cut and dry as that. I aborted a fetus because I knew in my heart I could not care for that baby. Back then, I was not mentally able to care for the child. I had been raped several years before and was struggling with life due to issues of rape the family I married into and my family of origin. Issues of power and control. I was barely existing myself. I was new to the Christian faith and had no grounding mainly because I was always supposed to be a “Christian” in this family I married into…a good Christian person. It was not safe to tell that my fiance raped me just before our wedding. As a child, I was also sexually assaulted and my parents would not believe me so who would do it now. It was a terrible place to be. I still have the medical report in my files regarding the aftercare of this self abortion. I keep it, remember it and grieve it because I do value human life. Yet, I knew I could not give the child what it needed and the power of entitlement that existed around me would have forced me into pretending to exist, which I did within this family, until I couldn’t. I broke down mentally and have been stigmatized ever since, even 50 years later.

    Abortion is not okay in most situations. There are not always places for a person to go for help or agencies to help. To label someone as not valuing human life for having an abortion is not fair. There is so much that goes into this. I believe the the thing that pre-exists abortion, discrimination, rape, abuse and so on is the need for power. It is something that covers the fragile ego that power somehow seems to be the antidote. There are victims to this attempted antidote of power and unborn children are the most fragile of them all. There are other victims that are often forgotten because of the fragility of the child. The mother is one because they are an adult. Adults can look adult but within they are often children because of their own life histories. They get swept under the rug. If they do come out of hiding, then they are challenged in public scrutiny or judged as crazy, unbelievable, etc. They also lose their integrity, again, because of power and ego of perpetrators or society at large.

    Yes, defend the unborn child! But look deeper into the layers power and dis-empowerment that go back so far and has infiltrated our lives to this day. I live near Buffalo, NY, and this morning I listened to call to a media center of people within that community where the recent mass shooting occurred. They each referenced the racial discrimination going back 400 years ago, asking that it has to stop. They said, “Enough!” I hear your words of stopping the killing of unborn babies. I hear my inner words of stopping the generations of trauma in families, communities, cultures, religions to stop because the inner pain we all carry to some degree. These cycles of pain have got to end, but how do we begin a new cycle? I read an article in Reader’s Digest the other day that told of how two different communities who were polar opposites came together to resolve an issue. They listened to each other, and with work, are coming together to integrate their ideas. They started by acknowledging their different perspectives and then talked, not about right or wrong but who they each were. They became friends but who differed.
    Power over others to bring order to our inner and outer lives only breeds more pain, resentment. etc. I have seen this and listened to this from a variety of people throughout my lifetime and the end result of misused power brings pain. I read it in the Bible. I have experienced the nothingness of my sense of self. It is painful but not hopeless. That’s where Jesus comes in. We need to go deeper with each other, if that is possible, as there are so many defenses built up to keep us in a sense of safety.

    Yes, we have to keep those unborn children safe, but I think there is more to it than just that. Thanks for letting me speak. Again, good article.

  12. Thank you for having the courage to tell your story Peggy. We have to all be willing to have a respectful dialogue in issues. Not just abortion. The bottom line is that we have a Good who loves us and forgives us no matter what. Thank you again for telling your story.

  13. Peggy, thanks so much for offering your story to remind everyone here of how complex a pregnant woman’s situation might be. While I agree with John’s position, I also think: shame on we Christians for not offering more direct support to pregnant women- and parents- who find themselves struggling to survive every day due to their difficult circumstances. Though some may call the pro-abortion voices “hate”, I think many of them come from deep woundedness and resentment, often from some personal experience of injustice and disempowerment at the hands of men, or other adults who were supposed to care for them.

  14. Thank you for allowing to me to share my story and the shared responses. Being heard, for me, is often the beginning of healing. The abortion issue really brought the wound I thought was healed to the surface. I have found your site to be a place where the love of God is expressed in various ways. I have been here awhile and I began to trust and learn and continue formation. Peace be with you.

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