Pain and joy in giving up a son

She left Samuel there.Praying in Church

She had wanted him so badly. Longed for him. Begged God for him.

One might think Hannah would have been tempted to go back on her promise and keep her son. Who could blame her? She had been barren so long.

But she didn’t. She knew God had a plan for her and for her son, Samuel. She took him to Eli and left him there to serve the Lord.

She left Samuel there.

Here in just a few days, we will celebrate a similar act of selflessness, a similar gift – in fact, the greatest gift of all – from God, who also gave up His only Son at the altar of our sinful world.

I imagine Mother Church is filled with priests, sisters, deacons and seminarians who ponder this act of submission by their mothers and fathers, giving up a son for the Lord and His people. What courage it must take.

In some circles and during some eras, giving up a child (particularly a son) meant giving up one’s heritage, an heir, a worker who would provide for a family. In more modern times – particularly in an age of contraception when families are often artificially limited – giving up a child to religious vocation is tantamount to giving up future grandchildren.

Clearly, not an easy decision.

There are so many reasons, many of them not unreasonable at all, that parents might hesitate to encourage Holy Orders or full service to the Church. But there are also few pretty good reasons to remain open to such a call.

God may indeed be making such a call today to your son or daughter. Our Church does so much in the World to build the Kingdom of God … but we could do much more. The world is hungry. We thirst.

Who are we to deny the Lord’s call?

Pray that when confronted with such a decision, that we follow the example of Hannah … of Mary … of our Father in Heaven.

Our Church depends on it.

Let it be done unto us, according to His word!


About the Author

Dan McFeely is a Carmel, Indiana, writer, communications business owner, book editor and a former professional journalist. Dan also works as an Adult Faith Formation Minister, currently serving as a spiritual director for the men's and women's Christ Renews His Parish program at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Carmel. He is a graduate of the Ecclesial Lay Ministry program offered by the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana and has studied theology at Marian University.

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