Monday, 9/10/2018 – Focus on the Bread

Another week of painful headlines for our Catholic Church.

Another week of soul searching …

How do we respond?

How do we evangelize?

How do we continue to love and obey what we believe is the “one holy, catholic and apostolic” church?

My response: Focus on the bread.

The bread of life; the bread of wisdom from the lips of Christ; the flesh of Jesus, which we consume into our bodies – heart, mind and soul – when we go to Mass.

In other words, get back to the basics of why you believe.


Like many of you, I’ve been cringing every day when I open the daily newspaper. What story will be shaking my faith today?

Which of our shepherds will be “outed” as a wolf in shepherd’s cloth?

I try to keep up with names. Who has been accused. Who has been covering up. Who should be ousted … and why.

I do this because I want to make sure that we get rid of the evil in our midst and start working on replacing it with all that is good.

Is that possible?

Anything is possible with God, right?

Is that so much to ask?

Today’s first reading seems to be aimed right at our hearts. Paul, in a letter to the Church in Corinth … a letter to us today:

Brothers and sisters: It is widely reported that there is immorality among you, and immorality of a kind not found even among pagans …

Yes … this is true.

The one who did this deed should be expelled from your midst.

I believe there are a lot of us – including many of our priests and pastors – who feel the same way.

Clear out the old yeast, so that you may become a fresh batch of dough,

Again … focus on the bread.

Imagine, waking up and thinking about the breakfast you hope to enjoy – eggs, bacon, toast.

You head to the kitchen and begin to gather your ingredients … but when you get to the bread, you find it green with mold, black with age … corrupted.

There will be no toast on this day.

So, you get busy; You toss out the old, corrupt bread, and begin to cultivate the ingredients you need to bake the perfect loaf.

A loaf of bread that will sustain.

Never be corrupted.

Never fall victim to the sinful desires instilled in our hearts by the evil one.

Not you and me. We’re not perfect. We need grace, sacraments … especially confession.

And – to be honest – not our shepherds. Our priests, pastors, deacons, religious … even our bishops. They will never be perfect, as hard as they try. And nor shall we, as hard as we try.

And let us not ever stop trying.

Never forget why we are Catholic and why we follow the head of our Church, Jesus Christ.

Because Jesus is perfect and will lead us to salvation. He is without sin. His teachings are never wrong. They may be misunderstood or polluted by those who seek to be in control … to be their own gods. But, His teachings are never wrong.

And we are Catholic because we resist and reject the constant urge to change those teachings in order to bend to the whims of society.

This is not a new struggle. It’s been happening since DAY ONE.

It just seems to be more amplified these days …

Which is why I leave you with this from the Apostle Paul today …

For our Paschal Lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed. Therefore, let us celebrate the feast, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.


Focus on the Bread of Life … not the nasty mold.


About the Author

Dan McFeely is a Carmel, Indiana, writer, communications business owner, book editor and a former professional journalist. Dan also works as an Adult Faith Formation Minister, currently serving as a spiritual director for the men's and women's Christ Renews His Parish program at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Carmel. He is a graduate of the Ecclesial Lay Ministry program offered by the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana and has studied theology at Marian University.

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  1. Morning Daniel. We are one with you in praying for cleansing and healing within the Church. God bless us all.

  2. Yes, let us focus to the Bread, the Only One who can give us peace, who is the Source of Peace.

    Let us join the community of fasting and prayer.
    Let us ask the intercession of the Blessed Mother, to take care & healing of the church, which is now in trouble.

  3. Jesus please remove the rotten from your church. And renew and heal your people, with a great out pouring of your Holy Spirit. Another good reflection Dan. God Bless.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this was insight with us.
    Yes,let’s focus on the bread of life which is Jesus Christ and all shall be well with us.
    May the Almighty God bless us all.

  5. A much needed reflection that brings the most sensible way to deal with our situation as catholics. Thank for the help and direction as this sheep and many are searching for our shepherd. Lets focus on Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life. Thank you Dan

  6. Thanks Dan. It’s so important to stay close to Jesus during this time. He sees all. I believe He is exposing the corruption. He is inviting us to rise up and become the saints we are called to be, so we can rebuild His bride, the Church.

  7. Hey Dan,

    Jesus used a whip to cleanse the Temple. From what I’ve gathered, it’s time for another cleansing. I wonder what Jesus will use this time?


  8. Thank you for the message, it reminds us that we need to monitor our behaviors and hold to our faith so that we may remain faith filled and Christians following Christ. The devil is out there waiting to find those who waiver and reach for his promises instead of Christ. I pray for all, the sinners who need forgiveness (hard at times), the people damaged by these sins, (victims and their families) as well as the church and for all of us who wish to continue on the path of salvation and Christianity. Crisis sometimes bring to the front the strength we need and have not looked for. Thank you Dan for your insight.

  9. Thank you for bringing the crisis of “malice and wickedness” from our Catholic leadership to the light. The readings for today provide us with wise counsel. Thankfully, God is clear in these instructions! Again, it is the responsibility of every lay, ordained and vowed religious members of the Church to act, to bring to the world “unleavened bread of sincerity and truth”.

  10. Dan, the reflection was right on target. I pray for strength, compassion and peace for all the victims and their families. I also pray for all our faithful clergy. Pray for mercy and forgiveness for the unfaithful.

  11. During this time of shaken faith, I have been reflecting on Ezekiel 34, especially 1-11 and the very last line of the 34.

  12. Thank you for your short concise reflection that speaks directly to my troubled heart. News of the abuses of those ordained to be the shepherd of the flock in our universal church can rattle one’s faith. Thank God for today’s readings and reflections like yours that help to keep some of us steadfast in our church and spiritual journey. Truly so, we should all set our mind on the Bread of Life!

  13. I’m a bit disturbed by Paul’s exhortation that he has already cast judgment and that the Corinthians should deliver the person to the evil one.

    I thought only God judges and that we are supposed to try to correct the person in their sins, but that only God judges.

    What to do?

  14. Thanks Dan for this very wonderful message which is up to the point. Your idea that we should focus on the Bread of Life which is Christ Jesus is very correct as it will help us to move on with our faith without turning back. For those who have committed sins it is not for us to condemn them but to pray for them so that they may repent and move on with their lives. God bless you Dan

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