Friday November 24th, Feast of Saint Andrew Dung-Lac and Martyrs

With the preparation for our American Thanksgiving being complete and the continuing preparations for our Liturgical New Year and Christmas Season on the horizon it is time for us as a people to regroup. Judas (not the Apostle) and his men did this after their victory by Israel over King Lysias who had desecrated the Temple in Jerusalem. All the people prostrated themselves and adored and praised Heaven, who had given them success.

In short it is time to renew!

Preparations are under way in our home. My wife, Anna, and I have started the plans not only for decorating but for renewing our souls. I am talking of a spiritual diet that will not make us thinner, but stronger to withstand the arrows of the Devil.

When Jesus kicked the money handlers out of the temple, He was showing us that our Churches might be imperfect. Our Churches are made up of imperfect people. All it’s members including the Pope, Bishops, Priests, Religious and the Laity are all imperfect, but the beautiful thing is that with Jesus’s help He can take fishermen and make them fishers of men. He can do that with us with His help. Just like there were preparation for the Thanksgiving Meal there must be a plan and preparation for the renewal and rededication of our souls.

Both scripture passages today speak of cleansing and renewal of the Church and us. We need to purchase those presents for the children and grandchildren, but we also must prepare ourselves and rededicate ourselves. Yes, they will be selling things after Mass on Sunday. It will be for a good cause. It wasn’t what Jesus was speaking as an example of cleansing and renewal.

It takes extra time to do this. Yes, I understand that our resources and time are already strained. I used to work at the Post Office, sang in the Christmas Choir, took care of my Mother and I used to hate anything to do with this time of year. All it meant for me was work and more work. The important thing is, that I enjoy helping people. I love it when I can bring a smile to their face with a card or package from an old friend or loved one who is far away. Even today as I work in a grocery store, I enjoy and am still satisfied when I can make someone happy.

It took a renewal in me to accept this change. My work was more purposeful. So, as we approach a new liturgical year and celebrate Jesus as King of the Universe on Sunday, let renew our minds and souls to do His work on Earth. If they are selling something after Mass, they are not money changing. They are renewing the face of the earth.

God Love You Always

Bob Burford

PS: Please Pray for Cancer victims and their caregivers. Pray for the conversion of Russia and the salvation of the Ukrainian and Russian people and their soldiers. Pray for the Holy Land. Pray for children everywhere who are suffering. Pray for peace!

About the Author

My name is Bob Burford and am married to my lovely bride, Anna. I am a cradle Catholic and worship at Church of Saint Mary's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am active in the Knights of Columbus and praying where the Lord wants both of us to serve in our new faith home. College degrees in Economics and Accounting. My wife and I have eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren with a sixth to arrive this Fall. Love Pope Frances and proclaiming the Word of the Lord in my life! Please pray for all the Ukrainian people. Pray for their salvation and physical and emotional health.

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  1. Wow, I love your reflection, I pray that God gives more strength to continue writing such lovely reflections. God bless you.

  2. Thank you Bob. Let us renew the face of the earth with our contributions to our church and others this Christmas season. This is building and rebuilding the kingdom of God. Peace with you my brother.

  3. Thank you Bob. With God, all things are possible. Advent is one of my favorite seasons. A nice reflection before the Advent season!

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