Friday March 18th, Second Week of Lent

Project 365 #193: 120713 Ugly Fruit?
Therefore, I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.

Seasonally, the world is looking forward to Spring. My wife’s daffodils are coming up even with a late snow in Tulsa. Prom season is around the corner and people are planning their gardens.

In both our readings, Joseph and Jesus faced rejection. All of us have faced rejection in our lives. Some of it was intentional and others not. At my Junior Prom I was too shy and insecure to even kiss my date, Pam, good night. It wasn’t the first time we went out but the pressure of a kiss was too much for me. I am sure she felt rejected. She looked lovely and it was a wonderful evening. Still as life turns out she continued to live in the Kingdon of God. Eventually she married a great guy named Fred. They have been happily married now for over 50 years with lots of grandchildren. Great couple!

The stone that the builder rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes. Our focus today is not about rejection but fruits. The fruits of the Kingdom of God are what Jesus is focusing. Just like a garden we have to plan and focus on the challange.

What is the Kingdom of God?

Luke 17:20-21 Asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come. He said in reply,”The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed, and no one will announce” Look here it is” or “There it is”. For behold the Kingdom of God is among you.”

Would I recognize the Kingsdom of God if I stumbled on it?

This is hard to answer on one hand but easy if you don’t reject the fact that the fruits of the Kingdom are spiritual. Love is a fruit. Rejection can be a fruit because it can become the cornerstone. Joseph turned rejection into a fruit when he saved his family from starvation in Egypt by forgiveness which is another fruit. He turned his father’s sadness into joy. Fruits seem to be everywhere because the Kingdom is among us.

Jesus also turned rejection into the cornerstone of the Resurrection. Now it is our turn. The coming of Spring is hope. The fruit we produce can only be done in the Kingdom of God on earth. Our message today is for each of us to bare that fruit. There is no way for me to tell you how to do it, but we must have a plan to act when the opportunity presents itself. The Holy Spirit will lead you and rejection can lead to fruit in the lives of others. When Jesus said it is among us, He was saying that we all have the opportunity to bare fruit even in the smallest or largest way. Opportunities abound if we are open and aware of the Kingdom around us.

Quote of Saint John of Kanty “Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause.”

Just a quick update on my Lenten grumbling. So far, so good! Thoughts do come into my head but I sweep them away. That sounds like a fruit to me.

God Love You Always

Bob Burford

PS: Please pray for the victims of Cancer and their caregivers. Please pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia. Pray for peace.

Picture Credit: “Project 365 #193: 120713 Ugly Fruit?” by comedy_nose is marked with CC PDM 1.0. To view the terms, visit

About the Author

My name is Bob Burford and am married to my lovely bride, Anna. I am a cradle Catholic and worship at Church of Saint Mary's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am active in the Knights of Columbus and praying where the Lord wants both of us to serve in our new faith home. College degrees in Economics and Accounting. My wife and I have eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren with a sixth to arrive this Fall. Love Pope Frances and proclaiming the Word of the Lord in my life! Please pray for all the Ukrainian people. Pray for their salvation and physical and emotional health.

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  1. Thank you Bob.

    As part of my Lenten observance,I have being praying with my daughter every morning since Ash Wednesday. I hope to continue to the end of the Season.

  2. Thank you Rob for the insightful reflection. Rejection we all hate and struggle with internally. Indeed we may not be able to control what happen to us externally but we owe it to our selves to process good seed within us to germinate.
    While we pray for cancer patients and their care givers and Ukraine, let us remember Nigeria especially in Borno state and other states with majority Christianity in our prayers where so many unreported killings and kidnappings has been ongoing and our faith being threatened.

  3. Thank you Bob. Very nice to read this today. Having been rejected abandoned by a father, brother, and a husband: very painful times, Jesus has blessed me abundantly with 10 fold more.
    I pray for Anna, Paul, Bill, Kathryn & caregivers, our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine and to Aleushima: I will include my brothers and sisters in Nigeria

  4. Thank you Bob. Wonderful lenten reflection right down to the fruit. Peace with you and your family. Praying for CA cer victims and this terrible war to end. Blessings my brother.

  5. Another week into Lent without grumbling Bob! Congratulations and keep up your efforts to refrain from grumbling.

    Another week and I ask all who read this to pray for those of us with cancer and thanks to all for your past prayers.

  6. Bob – Thank you. Yes, we continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia — it is important that we pray for the people in Russia as well. Additionally, prayers for our brothers and sisters in Borno state in Nigeria.

  7. Thank you Bob!
    We all have experiences of rejections or trials and never an easy thing to swallow but praise God from these trials comes fruit. Thanks be to Jesus Christ for being and bearing our trials with us so we may share with Him the Kingdom of God which surrounds us and then Eternity where every tear is swept away.

    May all who are suffering cancer along with caregivers who feel the strain to those experiencing war be comforted by Father Son and Holy Spirit. May Mother Mary’s promise ring true as we pray the Rosary for Peace in the World and Conversion of sinners.

    God bless us all!

  8. Thank you for your reflection Bob.
    I’m trying to keep from grumbling too. I do OK to keep my mouth shut but having difficulty getting them out of my thoughts.
    Going to a friends funeral today. He passed away at the age of 41. I pray for his wife and two young daughters, ages 12 and 8.
    Very sad to say the least.

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