Friday, January 31, 2019 – Our God is a God of Mercy

I have just started a part time temporary job. The employment will only last until May or sooner. We only have one car and my wife, Anna, needed the car last week. On her way to pick me up from work she drove by Holy Family Cathedral in Tulsa. In front of the church were buses taking school children to the Pro-life March in Washington DC last week. We both remarked at how inspiring the sight of youth with all their youthful exuberance working for truth and justice.

We have so many influences in the secular world for both good and bad.

Some of my friends and relatives love daytime soap operas. They are fanciful stories with outlandish plots and story lines. If I visit that relative I can always pick up on the plot of the particular soap because it never changes. They only change character roll playing.

Sometimes stories mirror real life. In our first reading shows the complicated web of sin in our lives that could happen.

The only person who was not sinning in this story is Uriah the Hittite. I always thought he had one of the coolest name in the Bible. He was a soldier and like all soldiers today, they have two families. The ones he leaves at home and the bonds he makes with his fellow soldiers. Both relationships are good and noble. He was the victim of murder. David even ate and drank with him before Uriah went back to the battlefield. Cold.

What were the soap opera senerios that could have happened.

David could have stayed in battle. He was their leader and Israel was at war. If he stayed with his men and fellow soldiers nothing would have happened. As the old saying goes, ” an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.”Their are more consequences.

Bathsheba could have aborted her child. Probably both mother and child would have died. However, she could have survived but Solomon would , most certainly, not.

What if King Solomon had never been born? Wow! More consequences.

Uriah could have had R&R and went home. Problem solved but not the sin. Uriah had fellow officers perish with him. More tangled webs and more consequences.

Opportunities for sin are all around us. The soap operas of life have more tangled webs. However, there is one thing that struck me by the Psalm, today, and gives me hope. It said, Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.

Our God is a God of mercy. In all the soap opera scenarios God’s mercy is not obvious. The seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. Of its own accord the land yields fruit. Just like the mustard seed God’s mercy spreads out long branches to us.

It does not matter what goes on in your life, God’s mercy is stronger. The children on the March for Life know. Keep those thoughts with you . Especially the hope for the future and God’s mercy for you.

Praise God

God Bless You always

Bob Burford

About the Author

My name is Bob Burford and am married to my lovely bride, Anna. I am a cradle Catholic and worship at Church of Saint Mary's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am active in the Knights of Columbus and praying where the Lord wants both of us to serve in our new faith home. College degrees in Economics and Accounting. My wife and I have eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren with a sixth to arrive this Fall. Love Pope Frances and proclaiming the Word of the Lord in my life! Please pray for all the Ukrainian people. Pray for their salvation and physical and emotional health.

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  1. Thanks Bob for sharing this wonderful inspiration.The story of David sleeping with another man’s wife is a reminder that even the strongest and the greatest in matters
    of faith can easily fall into sin.The devil is at work,ready to devour us hence the need to be vigilant..The Psalms.very inspiring,that the door for us to receive God’s Mercy is always open,if only we can humble ourselves and ask for his forgiveness

  2. Thank you so much Bob. This is not only inspiring and beautiful. This felt like God just lifted me up and held me tight. Thank you.

  3. Read 12 Samual:13-18
    The child died. Solomon was their second child. But still a beautiful lesson for all to know that there is never a reason to take life of a child. Thank you

  4. You never disappoint Bob! Thank you for such a wonderful and insightful read. I have to admit, I’m always a little sad when your writing ends.

    Do you have a collection of your reflections in book form? If not…. maybe at some point? You have a unique talent sir. I appreciate all your thoughts and hard work.

    God Bless you Bob….

  5. I read the readings for the day first – and I thought why did they chose the first reading and the Gospel reading for the same day? And I wondered how the writer would reflect today. And you made that connection – Just like the mustard seed God’s mercy spreads out long branches to us – and no matter what goes on in our lives God’s mercy is stronger. We are like the sparrows dwelling in the shade of the branches of his mercy. And I am like his disciples needing the parable explained to me. You rock, Bob! Jesus rocks and he asks us to extend that mercy, too.

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