Friday January 27th, Third Week in Ordinary Time

My wife, Anna, says that one of the things that I do best is sleep. I keep telling her it is a gift, but she is not impressed. Sleep is rejuvenating and it necessary to help us think and heal.

Jesus in our Gospel is talking about the Kingdom of God which He came to proclaim. He uses the example of growing crops. My wife’s tulips have started to sprout because of the unseasonably warm weather we have had in Oklahoma. Myself, I am looking over and planning my garden. The tulips can’t plan and look at a calendar to make their plans for the future. It is still the middle of winter. It is easy to fall into despair, but listen to the letter of Hebrews, Therefore, do not throw away your confidence; it will have great recompense. You need endurance to do the will of God and receive what he has promised.

Last Sunday we went to the last Sunday Mass of the day, which was Confirmation. The Bishop was there and all the priests in our parish and some priests from the Parochial High School, Bishop Kelly. It only lasted 10 minutes longer than usual, but what a blessing to see the future of our Catholic Faith. Three years ago, when we first moved to Tulsa, we also celebrated that Confirmation group. While we did not know any of the Confirmed. Nonetheless, we were happy to celebrate on both occasions. The gift of the Holy Spirit that we received in Baptism needs tending to grow in the garden of our faith.

We need endurance, but we also need a plan. I have not always been successful in my plan to make things grow in my garden. It is a learning curve and every year it gets better. I will not go back to certain things and will try new. It is not haphazard but every year we improve. It is similar to our journey to grow the Kingdom of God on earth.

This is how we achieve success. Hebrews warns us that success is a process. But my just one shall live by faith, and if he draws back, I take no pleasure in him. We are not among those who draw back and perish, but among those who have faith and will possess life.

I make mistakes in my garden just like I make mistakes in my journey to salvation. None of us are perfect and yes, we make mistakes. Don’t throw away the process and lose confidence. If you have faith and encourage others and if you follow your salvation plan. You will have success. Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear then the full grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come.

Sometimes I am impatient and want results right away. That is not how it works. It doesn’t work for a garden and impatience does work in building the Kingdom of God.

God Love You Always

Bob Burford

PS: Please Pray for Cancer victims and their Caregivers. Pray for Peace in the Ukraine. Pray for the salvation and physical and emotional heath of the Ukrainian People. Pray for the salvation of Russia.

About the Author

My name is Bob Burford and am married to my lovely bride, Anna. I am a cradle Catholic and worship at Church of Saint Mary's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am active in the Knights of Columbus and praying where the Lord wants both of us to serve in our new faith home. College degrees in Economics and Accounting. My wife and I have eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren with a sixth to arrive this Fall. Love Pope Frances and proclaiming the Word of the Lord in my life! Please pray for all the Ukrainian people. Pray for their salvation and physical and emotional health.

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  1. Thank you Bob. Love to hear your life stories and how they relate to the readings. Keep planting and growing in God’s beautiful garden of life. Peace my brother.

  2. Thank you Bob.I look forward to your weekly reflections and you never fail to give me food for thought.

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