Friday, December 30th, Feast of the Holy Family

What is a Holy Family?

In Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 3:2-7 it says, Children, listen to me, your father; act accordingly, that you may be safe. For the Lord sets a father in honor over his children and confirms a mother’s authority over her sons. Those who honor their father atone for sins; they store up riches who respect their mother. Those who honor their father will have joy in their own children and when they pray, they are heard. Those who respect their father will hose who fear the Lord honor their father and serve their parents as masters.

Where did that come from?

Please note that verse 7 is not included in the readings for today, but I thought it included wonderful context. Jesus as a child served His Mother, Mary and Joseph.

The model of the Christian Family should be the Holy Family’s ideal. Nonetheless, I know of no human family that follows this model. Statistics for today, show fewer and fewer people and families consider themselves Christian and fewer still go to Church.

My family is not an exception. Our daughter, Emily, stopped by to visit this week. She had a day off from work and brought food for the old folks. She listens to Christian radio but does not go to Church. Nevertheless, she made us proud this by telling the following story. My granddaughter and her were in Walmart and when they were walking out to their car, she noticed a homeless man and his dog trying to keep warm in the near zero-degree weather. She was so moved that she ran back in the store crying all the time and purchased food for the man and dog food for his dog.

My wife, Anna, and I both cried. We both thought that we must have done something right. My daughter’s motives were out of respect and honor for the homeless man. It was not judgmental but did come from prayer, obedience and respect. The respect and honor she felt first came from the family. Even though my family is not the exact reflection of the Holy Family, it is modeled after Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

When I pray, I pray for the salvation, and the physical and emotional wellbeing of my family. I try to mention each one every morning. The point is that as a family we keep on praying. We do not know the future or God’s timing in answering our prayers, but we have to be consistent and follow what we preach.

I agree with Pope Francis that the only way we can change the world is starting with our own family. As a family we need to serve each other and the world. Happy New Year!

God Love You Always

Bob Burford

PS: Please pray for the salvation, and the physical and emotional health of the Ukrainian people. Pray for the salvation of all the Russian soldiers and pray for peace. Please pray for Cancer victims and their caregivers.

About the Author

My name is Bob Burford and am married to my lovely bride, Anna. I am a cradle Catholic and worship at Church of Saint Mary's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am active in the Knights of Columbus and praying where the Lord wants both of us to serve in our new faith home. College degrees in Economics and Accounting. My wife and I have eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren with a sixth to arrive this Fall. Love Pope Frances and proclaiming the Word of the Lord in my life! Please pray for all the Ukrainian people. Pray for their salvation and physical and emotional health.

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  1. Thank you Bob. Our lives and our love all begin with family. Have a happy and blessed new year with peace, hope and happiness surrounding you and your family.

  2. Not one of my nine, now adult children, profess the faith that they were taught at home and in parochial schools, even to the point of recognizing God in His many manifestations. After blaming myself and feeling like a failure as a parent, I now focus on the kindness of their hearts as exemplified in their good deeds and actions. Trusting in God’s plan, I hope to live to see their conversions to full acceptance of Him, salvation and eternal life.

  3. I try to not not be judgmental knowing myself that I can’t expect my family to think and believe in everything I do. I continue to pray for their salvation and believe in God’s plan for them! Have a Happy and Healthy New Year! God bless!! ❣️

  4. As the year 2022 comes to an end I thank all of you who pray for those of us with cancer. Please continue your praying on our behalf and ask God to end cancer in the world.
    Best wishes to all and to your families for a holy and happy year of our Lord 2023.

  5. Thanks Bob for reminding us about family. Yes, we strive to live up to the ideal family…and we fail. Let’s continue to strive anyway. And George, you’re not alone. Many of our children do not follow our faith, as we know it or even taught it. But, I know they know what they’re supposed to do…just not ready to do it for now. I still believe one day they will come around. All we can do is pray for them everyday. Let us remember St. Anne praying for St Augustine…she never gave up! Peace, joy, love and many blessings to all in the New Year!

  6. I’m reminded of Romans 2:15 of all who have heard the law and kept the law that is engraved on their hearts. May God bless Emily and all who aren’t in full union with our beloved Catholic Church.

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