Friday August 16th, Single, Married or Divorced ?

Is it better not to marry?    

If you have ever gone to a new physician, applied for a loan or employment application, there are always questions of marital status. Even our beloved 1040 tax form asks these questions.

The Pharisees in Matthew’s gospel for today were testing Jesus. He knew their hearts were not interested in the answer but truth to evil was worth responding. Jesus in reply said, “the Creator made them male and female and said for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This reminds me of one of my friends who described divorce’s pain as a division process. It is hard to divide one and try to be whole yourself. You are only left with fractions or pieces. This is the pain of divorce.

However, the applications that we fill out all the time have other choices. Myself, I was a single until the tender age of 55. Neither my wife, Anna, and I were anxious to marry when we met. She was a widow and not looking for a spouse. Our daughter, Emily, said, ” Mother go out with the man, you don’t have to marry him.” Our first four dates were in separate cars and I finally asked her to watch Christmas lights and that had to be in the same car. We will be married 20 wonderful years in February of 2020. We have had numerous physical and financial problems in our marriage, but that union of one went through those trials together as one.

Jesus goes on to say of the choice of marriage or a single life the following, ” Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some because they were made so by others; some because they renounce marriage for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven.”

He also said, What God has joined together man must not separate.  This quote was what kept my sister in an abusive marriage for 17 years she thought she had no way out. Many women just like her felt the same way. She still prays for her ex-husband. The fallout from this union was a son who himself was an abuser and daughter who was abused in her marriage. My sister’s abuse started on her wedding night.

Abuse is not part of the marriage bond. It is a cancer that effects generations. It has to stop through counseling, prayer or a court order. This was never what God wanted in a marriage. No human is someone’s property. No human should be abused.

God’s plan for marriage is one unit and it does not include abuse, adultery, or same sex unions. These passages are difficult and I don’t presume to have the full answer. We know that our seasons of life can change. As a lay single person you have great purpose for good in the world. All seasons have opportunities for good and satisfaction.

Years ago on my wedding day I received the best free advice from an old Southern lawyer. He said, ” you have two choices in your married life ( and he held up one finger ) you can be right or happy.” Bar none it was the best advice I ever had.

My prayer today is for all marriages.

God Bless you Always

Bob Burford

About the Author

My name is Bob Burford and am married to my lovely bride, Anna. I am a cradle Catholic and worship at Church of Saint Mary's in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am active in the Knights of Columbus and praying where the Lord wants both of us to serve in our new faith home. College degrees in Economics and Accounting. My wife and I have eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren with a sixth to arrive this Fall. Love Pope Frances and proclaiming the Word of the Lord in my life! Please pray for all the Ukrainian people. Pray for their salvation and physical and emotional health.

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  1. Dear Sir Bob,
    Avery pleasant morning to you and your family.
    I am so touched of your messages here. i want to cry but my tears were held on. maybe because i lifted everything to God all the sentiments, resentments and regrets of my 33 years of married life due to my husband’s weaknesses and “abuses” in different ways… i wish I can have a chance of chatting you for sharing insights, counselling and shepherding sessions. Thank you very much and God ever bless you.

  2. Hello Bob.
    Wow, what insight and wisdom you have for us today regarding marriage and God’s vision for this sacrament He ordained. Married at the tender age of 55! My hope is renewed. Be blessed

  3. Tks Bob. What an insight into the bond of marriage. Indeed abuse is not part of marriage, God never willed it so. God’s plan for marriage is one unit ?

  4. Hi Bob, A very wise and informative reflection on marriage. I was very moved by your one statement, “that union of one (did you mean 2?) went through trials as one”

  5. Thank you Bob. This reflection only increases my commitment to my wife and the blessed sacrament of marriage. There have been trials and difficult times but together as one we continue on. Faith, Hope and Love and the greatest of these is Love.

  6. Bob,
    I wonder how many souls you will turn away with the last part of this sentence? “God’s plan for marriage is one unit and it does not include abuse, adultery, or same sex unions. “ My guess is you will continue pushing away gay and lesbian men\women from the Catholic Church at a time when church numbers are declining. Jesus would not judge them. He would listen and talk with them. He would see and feel the love in their hearts.

  7. Bob,

    Your Reflection was inspiring, till you spoke Division Not Addition. I know it’s Hard to accept others for living their truth. God teaches, Love your neighbor and help your neighbor, NOT Love only the one who Marries correctly. Please Stop the Negativity and Division.

    Example: Look at what I just saw on the news yesterday one story about “Same Sex Pinguines” they will be hatching and egg to create a family. Do you really think it’s not in God’s plan that He made them for a Purpose, we all have a purpose. Let’s Pray together not separate each other.

    Jesus words:

    ” Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some because they were made so by others; some because they renounce marriage for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven.”

    Your words:
    God’s plan for marriage is one unit and it does not include abuse, adultery, or same sex unions.

    May God Bless you and everyone around you. May He continue to guide you in all you do. In Jesus name I Pray, Amen.

  8. I agree with you, Linda.

    As for abuse, it’s not just physical. It’s also mental and emotional. My parents played mind games with each other and were emotionally abusive toward each other. The scars have been imprinted on me. I have fought hard not to repeat their behaviour in my marriage. Sometimes, I slip. With the Lord’s grace, I will recover from slips, and so will my marriage.

    If you are suffocating in your marriage – leave it. It won’t be easy, but neither will staying in it. At least in leaving, you will have space and breathing room.

    And all those of you hanging on in a marriage “for the sake of the children”… get divorced, precisely for the sake of your children and their mental, emotional, and sometimes physical health.

  9. Hey Bob,

    The advice your lawyer gave is good. In a roundabout way, it gets to the root of marriage. It’s not about you. It not about what you’ll get out of the union. Marriage is about giving. You become a gift to your partner and your partner to you.

    One might say marriage is about love. I wouldn’t disagree that love plays a part in the union, just read Song of Songs. But one can be in love with another and not be married. Marriage is, first and foremost, a union in the eyes of God, a sacrament not to be taken lightly. Read Genesis. Take God out of the equation and replace it with man and, as we’ve seen countless other times, things don’t seem to go so well.

    Bob, thanks for your reflection,


  10. Bob, good reflection. I see posters saying your words brings division, negatively, and pushing away the “gay” population away from the church. I guess they refuse to understand that some people are not meant to marry.
    Not trying to stir things up but just want to say “I get it Bob, I understand “.

  11. Dear Bob,
    I am happy to see a Catholic capable of saying the truth as it is irrespective of how others feel about it, every one is welcome into God’s holy family if and only if we come as we are such as being a ” drug addict, gay and a thief” but also acknowledging that we are sinners and praying that by the power of the Holy spirit we can be transformed from glory to glory. We should not transform the truth to sooth anyone yes Jesus is love and grace but he still condemn sin no one is born gay it is a sexual orientation, brothers and sisters in christ why would God despise homosexuality as clearly written in Him words and create any of his beloved that is every human being on earth a gay. I agree one hundred percent with you Bob look on God and listen to His not on our comment, stay blessed family

  12. Thank you Bob for your beautiful reflection. I completely agree with you Arianne. We cannot water down or change the way of the word of God to gain membership of people and their acceptance. Even social clubs don’t do this not to talk of other religions, the stick to their beliefs and we can see that their numbers keep growing whilst we keep trying to be politically correct. The bible teaches us that in the beginning, He made them male and female.
    If we are not careful, soon we will be expected to as accept incest so that we are not seen to hurt others or push them away. I am learning everyday to identify sin in my life, call it what it is and make an effort to change from it. I don’t need to gloss over it or pretend that it is ok. God hates the sin and not the sinner.

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