Friday, 9-7-18 Becoming New Wine Skins| Receiving New Wine

Receiving the Blood of Jesus at Mass is one of the highlights of my life – this is truly new wine. One of the greatest gifts humanity has ever received is found in this communal cup of ours. However, our ability to receive this gift to the fullest is limited by our “old skin”. In order to receive Christ to the fullest we need to work on becoming new – something we can only do with the aid of our Triune God.

So what is the newness Jesus is teaching about in today’s Gospel? I believe he is teaching about a new way of thinking – a new way of loving God and others. Many of Jesus’ day (and today) were offering prayers and fasting in an attempt to move closer to God and this can be a beautiful thing indeed. However, Jesus offers more and in order to receive this “more” we must change our interior and become like him.

Our Bridegroom

To me, the most confusing message in today’s Gospel is Jesus’ words about the bridegroom being taken away. At first blush this runs counter to Jesus’ promise of being with us until the end of days. So how can Jesus (our bridegroom) be both taken away and always with us? There can only be one answer – he is always with us, yet, as a result of our human wounds and weaknesses we don’t fully allow our bridegroom into our hearts. He is “taken away” as a result – taken away by our own doing and our old ways of doing things. Our old wine skins do not permit him to enter in. We are trapped in our old wine skins, parched and desirous of divine wine while living right in the middle of God’s vineyard. Before we can become fully new and receive this glorious wine we must receive new wine skins. Not a bit of the old skin must remain – not even one single patch.

The Power of Surrender and Detachment

How can this be done? How can we truly become new again? Well, we cannot do this on our own – we must surrender all control to God. We must decrease so that God can increase inside of us. Becoming humble like Jesus – always submitting to the will of the Father and allowing ourselves to become “last” is the way of Christ. We must set aside our ego and our need to ascend above others by way of pride. Then we can fall into humility and become more like Jesus every day. This falling leads us into the arms of God himself.

Last week I discussed the power of detachment and its role in our spiritual journey. Detachment is the key to letting go of what our ego clings so desperately too. I believe the best place to start practicing the art of detachment is by looking at the relationships we have with the people in our lives. Look at what is between us and another. Remember, we are all one in Christ – there is no separation between us and the other. Is there love and acceptance, or is there anger and unforgiveness? Who do we need to forgive? Who or what do we need to accept? Who do we need to include?

Allowing Peace

I thought I would offer a meditation I use from time to time when I want to clear my heart and fall into God’s arms. I call it Allowing Peace.

To begin, sit still in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. Next, allow your breath to calm while you pay attention to each inhalation and exhalation. Continue to follow your breath. When a thought arises simply look at it without judgement. If there is pain in the thought ask God to help you heal of this pain. Maybe you need help with forgiveness, acceptance, or inclusion. Ask God for help with this. Then allow the thought to flow into the arms of Jesus – watch it enter into his arms. Then go back to witnessing your breathing. When another though arises do the same thing. Observe it, ask God for healing if necessary, and then place it in the arms of Jesus. Continue until you are at peace. When you are done offer a prayer of gratitude to our Triune God for the healing he just brought into your life.

Global Light For Christ (GLFC)

We are a community striving to grow in love. If you are seeking to become healed of wounds that can only be healed through the love of Jesus please leave your petition below. We always strive to more fully surrender to the will of our Triune God and together we can make a difference in the world. Let’s pray that we all witness God’s love in the world.

And Happy Birthday to our GLFC friend Danjuma! May your day be filled with many, many blessings our brother in Christ!


God bless all of you. See you next week Friday – Carolyn

If you would like to learn more about my work or my ministry I invite you to visit my website:

God the Father – hold us in your Fatherly love.

Sacred Heart of Jesus – heal us with your divine love.

God the Holy Spirit – immerse us in divine love.

Today’s Readings: First Reading 1 Corinthians 4:1-5; Responsorial Psalm 37:3-4, 5-6, 27-28, 39-40; Alleluia John 8:12; Gospel Luke 5:33-39


About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. Thank you Carolyn. I really appreciate you sharing your soul healing exercises, I’ve learned a lot from you, both in phyysical and spiritual exercises.
    I agree, its in the total surrender to the Triune God that we became new wineskin, and allow the holy to pour the new wine in us! We should consistently ask from Him for the grace we need.

    God bless1

  2. Great explanation of the divine n the living word, Carolyn thanks n may God keep u save always n to all the users of this site . God’s peace to u all !!!

  3. Thanks Carolyn for your great reflection. I am also grateful for teaching me how to get peace through meditation. God bless you

  4. Thanks Carolyn. I have always wondered about this gospel and didn’t quite get the bridegroom and the wine skin message. As always your reflection brings it into the light…Awesome stuff. Blessings

  5. Thank you for your meditation. Please pray God to guide me, to heal my heart , to teach how to be more patient, to forgive and accept the person I’m in love with. God bless you ?

  6. Thank you for the reflection Carolyn. I have forgiven in my heart those who have caused irreparable damage to my reputation over the years. Unfortunately they have not let up. And my hurt and anger is stirred up. I no longer attend my church because it means encountering them. For my peace of mind, I have had to separate myself from my parish. I am 71 years old and my church is beautiful. I used to love coming to church early just to enjoy the light reflecting through the stained glass windows. I miss that very much. Please pray for me. My soul is tired from pleading for relief. Please pray for me. Thank you.

  7. Dear Carolyn , Thank you for your reflection and meditation thought. Sometimes when I have been overwhelmed with things in life, be it sicknesses, deaths, schemes at work, church or with family and friends I closed my eyes and open myself to feel Jesus. I could feel him lift we into his arms or put his arm around me or allow me to just lean into his presence until I was calmed and could hear him tell me to sift though my challenge to feel my true emotions and had I really forgiven?Sometimes in the mist of my dispair I found myself smile or laugh and say “who am I kidding” I’m still upset and need to “forgive” ~somemore~!?! Thank you for reminding me to meditate and feel that Jesus is just a breath near us.

  8. Always beautiful meditation.Pls continue to pray for the complete healing of my husband, may our almighty God grant him good health.thanks to you Carolyn

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