Holy Communion

Large Blog ImageMankind was never the same after Holy Thursday. Jesus Christ, consubstantial with the Father, on Holy Thursday prepared his disciples for what was about to happen. He came so that we would know his love and it was time for him to return to the Father and care for us from the seat at the Father’s right hand. However; before he was to leave he spent precious time with his beloved disciples. They shared a meal, he washed their feet and as he said goodbye he healed the solder’s ear that was severed during the struggle. Everything Jesus did was love in action, to the last moment of departure he was the total expression of love and humility. Let’s look deeper into what Jesus gave us at that most sacred meal.

As he shared the Last Supper with his disciples he gave us the sacrament of Holy Communion. In the First Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians we read Jesus’ words. After breaking the bread he spoke: “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” After raising the cup: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” There it is – our Sacrament and union with God himself, our Lord Jesus Christ. All we need to do is partake in remembrance of him. No longer is God outside of us, now we are free to experience personal, physical contact with him. The new covenant has come and the fabric of the earth is forever changed. No longer is God in some far off distant place, he is here with us in the form of bread and wine. So how many of his children partake today? While I could certainly do a little research and find perhaps some rather dismal numbers, I choose instead to share with you a bit of my personal miracle with Mass and Holy Communion.

First, let me ask you a few questions. If there was one rather simple thing you could do in your life that would bring you more joy then you could possible imagine, would you do it? If there was an activity you could participate in that would create inside of you a joyful contentment – even in the midst of strife and turmoil – would you want to know what it is? If there was a place you could go where you would be surrounded by and immersed in healing love would you go there? Well, I assume you answered yes to all and I also assume you know the place – daily Mass. Yes, daily Mass has done all those things for me. Holy Communion now brings tears to my eyes and my heart becomes filled with a joy that defies words. When other’s ask me about the joy I carry around I tell them it is our Lord Jesus Christ. When they ask me my secret to happiness I tell them it’s daily Mass and Holy Communion. I have a special prayer I say during the Consecration of the Host that I will share with you. I have witnessed countless miracles in my family and I credit much of them to this prayer. I invite you to also pray it during the Consecration of the Host.

Dear God, under Mother Mary’s guidance please bring my husband, myself, our children, our in-law children, our grandchildren, the generations that follow and the generations that came before us to yourself. Please heal us, forgive us and refine us so we can be a lineage of great saints and holy loving Catholics doing your will. Amen

While there are no guarantees in life, and sometimes strife is used to draw us into deeper union with God, showing up in his house, receiving his body and blood will forever change you. The sacraments are imprinted on our soul for all time. I pray that someday our churches will be overflowing with the faithful so that all mankind will experience the joy that only Jesus can offer. Can you imagine what the world would look like if all mankind experienced daily Holy Communion, washed the feet of others and healed those who attacked us. While we can’t control others, we can control ourselves and peace can begin with you and me.

May you be blessed as you participate in the beauty of Holy Week. Show up in his house, experience the joy that awaits you and most of all, simply allow yourself to be surrounded by his love in this most holy of seasons.


Jesus – I Love You!!!

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy. www.CarolynBerghuis.com

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  1. Thank you for this beautiful reflection and prayer. Our family is going through some needs where our children need help and hope in returning to Jesus. What a beautiful prayer to pray always.

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