Friday, 10/20/16 Faith Verses Works | Can Christian Unity Happen?

Does God require works (actions) or is our faith in him enough for entry into heaven? This question seems to be a stumbling block for unity between Catholics and other Christians across the globe. After all, Martin Luther was pretty upset about the whole indulgence thing – and for good reason. His famous letter, called his Ninety-five Theses, created quite an upheaval in Europe in 1517. A rift was born in the Church then, a rift that still exists today.

Inclusion Heals

Over my many years of helping individuals find peace and happiness I have learned one powerful truth – we all belong to God’s universe. God is inclusive and his love is big enough to hold all of humanity. Yet, our human condition often works against this truth and we all experience pain and heartache as a result.

Over the years I have learned of, and witnessed, profound human suffering in the lives of my clients. As they share their stories with me; stories of childhood wounds and generational wounds, my heart is deeply moved. I often sit in awe as I listen to their struggle and witness their strength. Through it all I have come to appreciate one thing. We all share a common bond of suffering regardless of our religious orientation. Human tragedy exists in the hearts of every one of us – Catholic and Non-Catholic alike.

Faith Verses Works

In today’s first reading we learn of the importance of justification through belief (faith). And this is true, faith in Christ offers salvation. Christ died for each and every one of us and he will work beautiful miracles for those who have faith in him. Faith is the first step in all loving relationships, after all, if we don’t have faith in someone we will not give them our heart out of fear they will hurt us. When we have faith in Christ, and when we trust in him, our hearts open to his Sacred Heart. As our heart unites with his heart we will be called to be servants of one another (works). Once we are called into works we will become servants for one another.

Here in lies the key – works is born out of our faith in Christ. Without faith in Christ our works risk becoming like the leaven Jesus speaks of in today’s Gospel, empty actions devoid of love and compassion. With faith our works become divine instruments for healing the world. When we serve Christ, and have faith in him, we can walk with our brothers and sisters as we suffer and heal together. We will not be the blind leading the blind, rather, we become the light seeking leading the light seeking.

All Will Be Revealed

Only God knows our hearts, and only God knows our best path into full healing. After all, God is love and God is light. He knows and sees all, and yet, he still loves us. He not only loves us, he continually creates a space for us to work with him knowing full well the weakness of our human hearts. God has been using sinful human beings from the beginning. Just look at Peter, the other ten Apostles, the Disciples, King David and King Solomon. They all sinned and fell short of perfection, yet, they all had faith and practiced works for God. God uses broken human beings to bring his healing love in the world. God has made all of mankind worthy of his love and there is nothing we can do to stop this – we are not powerful enough to stop God’s love. All we need is a little faith and God will light up our hearts in his perfect timing for all the world to see.

Inclusion Heals Families

Exclusion causes pain and division. It mercilessly separates families from the love and healing their hearts desire. This pain began with the Fall when the serpent came between Adam and Eve and caused division.  However, there is a way out of this pain. We can, and must, move through it so that we, and the generations that follow us, can enjoy the richness of life God has for us. Such movement is only possible when we allow ourselves to be held by the inclusive love of Jesus Christ. Here is the link from my blog I believe you will enjoy: Exclusion and Family Hearthache

God bless all of you – see you next week Friday! – Carolyn

Sacred Heart of Jesus – have mercy on us.

Father God – consume us.

Holy Spirit – enter into us.

Mother Mary – pray for us.

Saint Paul of the Cross – pray for us

Today’s Readings: Romans 4:1-8; Psalm 32:1B-2, 5, 11; Psalm 33:22, Gospel Luke 12: 1-7

About the Author

Carolyn Berghuis MS, ND, CTN is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, traditional naturopath, and free-lance Catholic writer. Carolyn is currently pursuing an MA in Pastoral Theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Carolyn also holds a BS in Mathematics, a MS in Holistic Nutrition and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy.

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  1. Carolyn,

    Thank you for today’s reflection. It got me into a deep reflection.
    I do know that there are generational wounds and maybe curses that we do inherit from our families and ancestors. And indeed we inherit Adam’s sin until we are baptized. But i want to imagine that when we are baptized the code of our generational wounds/ curses is cut. But you seem to suggest that it isn’t actually.

    On Thursday, Mary Otwein in her wonderful reflection told us of the need to have a personal relationship with God i.e to accept him both in mind and will and thus become true children of God. Inheriting generational wounds sort of makes us what Mary terms as “grandchildren of God” because we inherit not our sins but our Father’s sins. and no matter what the state of our relationship is with God. I am a bit confused.

  2. Hi Judith,

    Thank you for your response, I believe I understand your confusion. Regarding generational wounds, in my work I have seen that families tend to “lean” a certain way and patterns are passed down through the generations – both painful and joyful patterns. Often such patterns are equated to generational sins and blessings of the father (parents, grandparents, etc.). In Exodus we are told that the sins of the father are passed down to the third and forth generation; however, that is not all God told us here. God, after telling us he is an all loving and forgiving God, told us that his blessings continue on to the thousandth generation.
    However, before we can receive the full healing God offers us we must surrender to him in faith and allow him to heal the brokenness in our families. This is why Christ came – to free us of the bondage of sin and pain, thus freeing us to unite with our Triune God. As Jesus told us – he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life – no one comes to the Father except through him. Through Christ all healing is possible.
    I hope this helps you Judith.

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