God Alone Creates Life

ZechariahAn angel appeared to Manoah’s wife in the first reading for mass today, to announce that she would conceive and bear a son that was to be consecrated to the Lord, even though she was barren.  Then the angel Gabriel appeared to  to tell him that his wife who was barren, would also bear a son that was to be consecrated for the Lord.

These two stories are interesting in many ways, not the least of which was God’s purpose for these two men who were to be consecrated to him.  But, the stories today are not about Samson or John the Baptist, but about their parents.  Both sets of parents were holy people who worshiped God and led holy lives.  Both were unable to have children.  It’s pretty awesome how God fulfilled his plans in such a beautiful way, by granting this miracle to two childless couples.  The babies brought such joy to both couples and as a consequence, were most certainly deeply loved by their parents.  God loved these two couples and granted their prayers, and they in turn, loved the child that was consecrated for the Lord.

In both cases, an angel appeared to announce the coming birth of this special child.  The angel Gabriel announced the coming birth of John the Baptist, and we know that the angel Gabriel also announced the coming birth of Jesus Christ too.  Zechariah didn’t believe the angel who announced John the Baptist’s birth and he was chastised for his lack of faith, by the angel.   It is to Mary’s credit that even though she was initially afraid by the appearance of the angel too, she did believe what the angel told her about the birth of Jesus though.  So did Manoah’s wife.  Ladies, take note of this!

Another small thing that might be easy to overlook is that in the first reading today, the angel told Manoah, Samson’s mother, not to drink wine or strong drink.  The angel Gabriel said that John the Baptist was also not to drink wine or strong drink.  In the case of Samson’s mother, she would need a clear mind to teach her son to have faith in God.  John the Baptist would also need a clear mind to teach the people about the coming of the messiah.  Through modern studies, we know that alcohol damages the brain cells and in both cases today, Samson’s mother and John the Baptist needed a healthy mind in order to clearly share the faith with others.  However, Christ himself drank wine so this is not a requirement for everyone.

All of these things are secondary to the miracles that actually occurred though.  What an awesome thing miracles are.  They still occur today.  One of the greatest miracles is the birth of a new life into this world.  This miracle occurs every day and to most families.  Everyone who is present at the birth of a child, witnesses a miracle.  Mankind can do many wondrous things, but God alone creates life.

May God bless and protect all the unborn babies in the world today.  May their guardian angels look over them and protect them.  And may all parents throughout the world, who receive the good news of the coming birth of their child, accept with gratitude the new life that is entrusted into their care.  Every human life is a miracle that should be accepted, loved, and welcomed into our world through loving hearts, just like Samson’s mother and Zachariah and Elizabeth’s in today’s readings for mass.


About the Author

Hello! My name is Laura Kazlas. As a child, I was raised in an atheist family, but came to believe in God when I was 12 years old. I was baptized because of the words that I read in the bible. I later became a Catholic because of the Mass. The first time my husband brought me to Mass, I thought it was the most holy, beautiful sense of worshiping God that I had ever experienced. I still do! My husband John and I have been married for 37 years. We have a son, a daughter, and two granddaughters. We are in the process of adopting a three year old little girl. We live in Salem, Oregon in the United States. I currently serve as the program coordinator for Catholic ministry at a local maximum security men's prison. I‘m also a supervisor for Mount Angel Seminary’s field education program, in Oregon.

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